Tara Penny

Meet Tara Penny
Who’s never tried tomato sauce?? Well, apparently our cat-loving Head of News and experienced news journalist – otherwise known as ‘Dotey’ – who also hates raisins, but loves chocolate. Just don’t ask her about cigarettes, to go camping, or to re-visit Venice or Luderitz – “learnt my lesson the first time!” Otherwise, she’s a fan of the movie ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’, the journalist and author Douglas Murray, and the book ‘The Time Traveler’s Wife’. Our Tara also has quite a philosophical outlook on life and believes that “happiness is a choice, not a destination” and that “worrying only means you suffer twice”. No surprise, then, that she values her integrity, resilience and optimism, and hates it when people promise to do something, then don’t. If she’s not at home looking after her little guy, you’ll find her beavering away in the newsroom and cooking up the next great idea for the HOT 102.7FM news team.