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Ursula Chikane


Meet Ursula Chikane

They say that everything tastes better with brown sugar and you can see why, because HOT 102.7FM’s ‘Brown Sugar’ will leave you feeling a heck of a lot sweeter with life if you spend just a couple of hours in the afternoon with her, shooting the breeze, laughing along, or playing Alphabet Soup? But, there’s more to this pizza and pasta-loving gal than meets the eye, like interests in ice-skating, skydiving, rafting, movies, interior design and fashion, and a love of all things Barry White, including his famous ‘Love’s Theme’. That, and a bit of Earth, Wind & Fire, or some O’Jays, and you’ll see a smile a mile long – just like when she’s tucking into a steaming biriyani and wiping the sweat off her brow! Little-known fact: our Ursula was a prefect at school. My, she’s come a long way….. 

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